Hotıì ts’eeda Summer Student Dehga Scott Attends Indigenous Mentorship Network Gathering

Hotıì ts’eeda Summer Student Dehga Scott attended the Saskatchewan Indigenous Mentorship Network's first Annual Gathering on September 8 and 9, 2018. The gathering was held at Wanuskewin Heritage Park in Saskatchewan and was an opportunity for peer and intergenerational mentorship and network building for Indigenous students with an interest in health and wellness. Keynote speakers included Dr. Roger Maaka, Dr. Carrie Bourassa, and a student and new investigator panel focused on Indigenous health research across methodologies (bench science, clinical and community-based research).

Scott was nominated to attend the event by Hotıì ts’eeda and funded by the Network. She said: "The event was amazing. I learned so much about research and what grad programs are available. It was an honour to go and be connect with many people from around the world."