Hotıì ts’eeda is supported by the Research Support Fund.
The Research Support Fund assists Canadian postsecondary institutions and their affiliated research hospitals and institutes with the expenses associated with managing the research funded by the three federal research granting agencies.
Research Support Fund grants can be used to: maintain modern labs and equipment; provide access to up-to-date knowledge resources; provide research management and administrative support; meet regulatory and ethical standards; and transfer knowledge from academia to the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. For more information please visit the Research Support Fund main page
In 2018, Aurora College formalized an agreement with Hotıì ts’eeda to administer Research Support Funds.
A tri-agency initiative
The Research Support Fund is a tri-agency initiative of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). It is administered by the Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat, which is housed within SSHRC.

Accountability and Public Acknowledgment
Support provided by the Research Support Fund is an investment by Canadian taxpayers. The program’s accountability responsibilities regarding the use of grant funds include reporting to program stakeholders and the Canadian public about who receives support and how funds are used to meet the program’s objectives. To help ensure accountability to stakeholders (including researchers, affiliates, industry partners and Canadian taxpayers), grant recipients are expected to publicly acknowledge their grant funding and to bring awareness to the value and impact of the program within the research community and the Canadian research environment.
Outcomes Report (VOXCo Reporting)
The below summarizes outcome objectives of Hotıì ts'eeda for RSF Funds for 2024-2025, for the 2022-2023 year allocation.

The below summarizes outcome objectives of Hotıì ts'eeda for RSF Funds for 2023-2024, for the 2021-2022 year allocation.

The below summarizes results for the outcome objectives of Hotıì ts'eeda RSF Funds for 2022-2023, for the 2020-2021 year allocation.

Updated: April 21, 2022